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Deworming Treatments for Dogs and Cats

There is a wealth of products available to help prevent and treat worms in your dog or cat. What you choose to use will depend on which worms you are treating, whether you have a dog or a cat, the size and age of your pet and whether your pet is pregnant or nursing. You can get an overview of which products tick all your boxes on our worming comparison chart.

How dewormers work

Medications that kill worms (known as anthelmintics) can both treat and prevent worms. Monthly dewormers kill existing adult worms in your pet, so the dose is repeated each month to eliminate any larvae that have developed into adult worms during this time. These can also be used as a one-off dose when your pet has become infected with worms.

Broad-spectrum worming products

Although different worms require different medications, for the convenience of pet owners many dewormers are broad-spectrum products that treat multiple types of worm. 드론탈 (Drontal) oral treatment controls roundworm, hookworm, whipworm (dogs only) and tapeworm.

As tapeworms are transmitted by 벼룩, some broad-spectrum products also include an ingredient to control flea infestations. 어드밴티지멀티 (Advantage Multi) is a monthly topical treatment available for both dogs and cats that treats roundworm, hookworm, and whipworms, as well as killing fleas and preventing heartworm.

When should I deworm my pet?

Roundworms and hookworms can both be transmitted from mother to young, often while in the womb. So as many puppies and kittens are born with worms already in their systems, it is recommended that they are started on a regular deworming medication from as young as 2 weeks of age. Dewormers for adult dogs and cats are usually administered once a month.

If your pet does become infected with worms of any kind, your vet will recommend a deworming treatment. Due to the lifecycle of worms and the ease of reinfestation, this treatment will likely need to be repeated in 2-4 weeks.


With any medication you administer to your animal companion, you should be aware of any risks or side effects that might be involved. These can be related to the medication itself, or to the age, breed, and health of your pet.

All worming medications will be clearly labeled with age and weight restrictions. It is vital that you follow these instructions carefully and only administer the medication if your pet is within the age and weight range listed. If the product you have is not suitable for your pet, your vet will be able to recommend an alternative.

Some breeds, and indeed some individual animals, may have a sensitivity to a particular active ingredient found in the treatment. If you ever find that your pet experiences side effects after a dose of a particular medication, you may wish to note the ingredients for future reference.

Deworming Treatments for Dogs and Cats

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