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스피노사드 (Spinosad)

브랜드 이름들

단일 성분

혼합 성분

Uses of Spinosad

Spinosad is an insecticide and acaricide used to control external parasites in dogs and cats.

Spinosad kills adult fleas in dogs고양이 and is indicated for the prevention and treatment of flea infestations.


Oral application supplied as chewables.

복용과 사용

Spinosad chewable tablets are available in canine and feline formulas, with the exact dosage based on the animal’s body weight. To avoid overdosing it is vital that you weigh your pet before administering medication and only use the correct product. Do not use products intended for dogs to treat cats.

Chewables may be offered directly to your pet as a treat, broken up and added to food, or administered as you would a tablet medication. Ensure that the entire chewable has been taken, and monitor for vomiting. If vomiting occurs within an hour after administration, give another full dose.

Spinosad should be given with food to ensure maximum effectiveness.

For effective flea control, Spinosad should be first administered one month before the start of flea season and continued monthly until the end of flea season. In areas where fleas are common all year, Spinosad should be administered monthly without interruption.

가능한 부작용

The most common reported side effect in animals treated with Spinosad is vomiting. Other reported adverse effects include loss of appetite, lethargy, diarrhea, coughing and excessive thirst.

Be aware that dogs and cats may experience different side effects.


Do not use in dogs or cats under 14 weeks of age.

Use with caution in dogs and cats with pre-existing epilepsy.

Spinosad can increase the toxicity of Ivermectin; do not use products with these ingredients concomitantly.

Consult your veterinarian before using with pregnant, breeding or lactating dogs. The safe use of Spinosad with pregnant, breeding or lactating cats has not been established.

독성 신호

The most common sign of Spinosad overdose in dogs and cats is vomiting, which may also occur as an adverse reaction to a correct dosage.

Spinosad toxicity in cats may also present as depression, pacing/panting and severe diarrhea.

If you suspect that your pet has had an overdose, contact your veterinarian immediately.


Protect from light. Store between 68-77°F (20-25°C).

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Spinosad drug information sheet
Spinosad Information Sheet

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스피노사드 (Spinosad)

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