고양이의 손톱을 너무 많이 쓰면 어떻게해야합니까?

고양이의 손톱을 자르는 것은 쉬운 일이 아닙니다. 클리퍼스를 올바른 손톱 주위에 가져오고 너무 많이 벗지 않으려 고 노력하는 동안 고군분투하는 고양이를 계속 지키면서 가장 적은 것을 말하기는 어렵습니다. 어쩔 수없이 사고가 때때로 발생합니다.
고양이의 손톱을 빨리 자르면 행복하지 않을 것입니다. 속보에는 인간의 손톱의 분홍색 부분과 비슷한 매우 민감한 혈관과 신경 종말이 있습니다. 출혈, 통증, 그리고 아마도 당신을위한 상처는 우연히 손톱을 너무 많이 트리밍하지 않아서 생길 것입니다.
너가 빠른 것을 방해하면 너의 고양이를 붙드는 것을 해보 십시요. 발의 끝 부분을 조이고 혈액의 흐름을 줄이십시오. 반대쪽 효과가 있고 혈류를 증가시키는 전체 발에 압력을 가하지 않도록 조심하십시오.
그것은 손 상처의 혈관을 빠르게 수축시키는 데 사용할 수 있기 때문에 손질 키트에 딱딱한 분말이나 딱딱한 연필을 두는 것이 좋습니다. 당신이 styptic 제품에 접근 할 수없는 경우에, 옥수수 녹말 또는 못의 건조한 막대기에 손톱을 문질러도 도움이 될 수 있습니다.
고통 스럽지만, 오버 컷 네일은 심각한 부상이 아니며 비교적 빨리 치유되어야합니다. 그러나 고양이의 네일 절단 과정에 대한 의혹은 더 오래 지속될 수 있습니다. 가위와 함께 그들에게 다가 갈 때 고통을 겪지 않을 것이라고 확신하는 데는 시간과 노력이 필요할 수 있습니다.
그들을 안심시키기 위해 정기적으로 고양이 발을 완화시키고 다른 클립 세션을 다시 시도하기 전에 긍정적 인 연관성을주는 치료법을 제공하는 것이 좋습니다.
고양이의 손톱을 빨리 자르면 행복하지 않을 것입니다. 속보에는 인간의 손톱의 분홍색 부분과 비슷한 매우 민감한 혈관과 신경 종말이 있습니다. 출혈, 통증, 그리고 아마도 당신을위한 상처는 우연히 손톱을 너무 많이 트리밍하지 않아서 생길 것입니다.
너가 빠른 것을 방해하면 너의 고양이를 붙드는 것을 해보 십시요. 발의 끝 부분을 조이고 혈액의 흐름을 줄이십시오. 반대쪽 효과가 있고 혈류를 증가시키는 전체 발에 압력을 가하지 않도록 조심하십시오.
고통 스럽지만, 오버 컷 네일은 심각한 부상이 아니며 비교적 빨리 치유되어야합니다. 그러나 고양이의 네일 절단 과정에 대한 의혹은 더 오래 지속될 수 있습니다. 가위와 함께 그들에게 다가 갈 때 고통을 겪지 않을 것이라고 확신하는 데는 시간과 노력이 필요할 수 있습니다.
그들을 안심시키기 위해 정기적으로 고양이 발을 완화시키고 다른 클립 세션을 다시 시도하기 전에 긍정적 인 연관성을주는 치료법을 제공하는 것이 좋습니다.
I was scuffing my cat while my best friend, who is in the animal care business, clipped his nails. I'm not afraid to do it on my own and usually just sneak a couple clips in while he is calm or relaxed, but figured I would accept the helping hand while I could. Everything was going smoothly as usual but she ended up clipping into the quick while on the 3rd nail. She was pretty nonchalant about it, but once I saw my cat's blood I was instantly guilt stricken, heart broken, you name it.
My friend kept telling me that my cat would be okay and it happens. However, I can't let go of the fact that my baby trusted me unconditionally and I've told him over and over I would never put him in a situation where he could get hurt but I did and he was hurt because of my decisions. Now I feel like I've betrayed his trust and vow to be the one to clip his nails, with the utmost caution, from her on out.
As long as you clip the sharp point on the tip, that's all that's really necessary.
She was bleeding and yelped when I did it but isn’t limping and ran around afterwards quite happy. Had a clean of the paw and she’s snuggly and loving now. Might leave it to the vet now...
My cat "Sinmin" had to be euthanized shortly after because of some kind of poisoning.
I cannot find out what the consequences are when the wick is cut completely off... Does anyone know?
I am the one who originall posted that my cat's vet cut off my cats claws when he went in to have his teeth cleaned. They were Licen not authorize to cut his claws. He was an indoor/outdoor cat. He loved being outdoors mostly. There was no claw left,,, wick and all was gone. The name of the vet facility is Bay State Animal Clinic in Danvers MA. I made them change their authorization form to add that they will only perform what is authorized by the owner. I filed a complaint with the Division Professsional Licensure Board. Have not heard anything back yet. The owner of Bay State, Dana MacName ruined the last days of my cat's life! I had to go outside with him because he he no claws and could not defend himself. Dana told me I should have marked on the cat carrier that it was an outdoor cat... WHAT, really!... The nerve ... trying to make it look like it was my fault! Anyway they pretty much declawed my cat! Dam them. Also the owner would not give me name of the vet tech who declawed my cat. I just felt so bad for my cat, Sinmin.
I’m going through all the emotions right now! I immediately started apologizing and giving her kisses and giving her so many treats in hopes that she felt the guilt that I had for what I’d done. She seemed to understand that I felt remorse and immediately started butting her head at my hand. I put the cornstarch on her nail and needless to say she seems to be doing just fine while I’m still trying to cope lol.
I’ve been clipping kitty claws for years now, but it’s a very different experience from my older cat to my three new kittens. I clipped them all today (their claws get wicked sharp) and while the girls did protest everything was fine…but then there’s the boy. He squirms a LOT, and I’m usually hunched over in order to restrain him and also to be able to see what I’m doing (they’re almost 6 months old but still so teeny). I have to be super fast at clipping before he squirms again, and this time I cut too short on two of his back foot claws. I didn’t notice at first, and thought he was just being extra stubborn when he cried. Then I saw some blood on the towel…yeah not a fun experience. I then looked up this article and pinched the tip between two fingers with a tissue (it’s not bleeding that bad, and the other one just had a tiny dot of red so not as bad).
I felt so bad, I gave him several treats afterward (was going to be just one but then his sister knocked over the bag and it became a free-for-all), and he seems to be walking just fine. I’ll probably feel really bad about it for a while though. Glad to know I’m not alone, at least!